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Ultimate Guide To Grocery Delivery App Development For App Like Grofers

1223 Views | 5 min | April 1, 2021

This generation is known to function digitally. All the services are moving towards online platforms to deliver the services efficiently like meat delivery or other on demand app services. On the other hand, users find it comfortable to make use of these online services as they are proven to be easy to access and time-saving.

One of the popular grocery delivery app development service providers is Grofers. It was founded by Gurugram based IITians in 2013. Grofers is a mCommerce app that is used for grocery shopping and delivery in the marketplace. The demand for grocery delivery apps in the marketplace is also increasing.

Grocery delivery app development services allow users to shop grocery items online like vegetables, fruits, bakery items, cosmetics, meats, and many more things. These products are delivered to the customer’s location within a short span of time. This blog will serve as a guide to grocery delivery app development and you will learn how to develop an app like Grofers.

Types Of Grocery Delivery Apps

Generally speaking, there are three types of grocery delivery app development services that can be provided to the users. A user can choose any type as per the service he/she needs. The types of grocery delivery apps are demonstrated below:

1. Inventory Model

In this model, the app stocks up various brands in the app for delivering their products. The platform is known for managing the orders, delivery, and stock keeping of the products from the various brands. The stores in the inventory model may have a chain of outlets in various cities and locations.

D-Mart is a very common example that became a popular online seller post the pandemic.

2. Aggregator Model

In the aggregator model, the platform collaborates with supermarkets and local stores. Customers browse through the app and select whichever store they want and order products from them. Customers order through the app and these orders are diverted to the store. 

The selected store or grocery partner is now responsible for the delivery of the products and for filling up the inventory/warehouse if necessary. The best example for this model is Amazon as for various vendors, it acts as an aggregator.

3. Marketplace Model

One of the basic drawbacks of an aggregator model is that you can add a huge number of vendors, but the customers always choose the ones they prefer. In the marketplace model, the platform is responsible for the shipping of the products of various stores as there are a lot of shops to be fulfilled.

How Grocery Delivery App Development Benefits You?

If you are an owner of a grocery store, you can introduce a grocery delivery app in your business to increase sales and attract more customers. Starting a business in grocery delivery is a very good idea to launch such a business product. 

Introducing an app like Grofers to your business will help the business or the launcher of the app/business to earn a lot of money from the kind of online platform. Let me tell you how!

If your grocery delivery app showcases third-party advertisements to support businesses of the third-parties, you can charge them. When you launch the grocery delivery app, you can also charge the various grocery stores that want to be listed on your platform.

You can also charge the various grocery owners by selling them premium services. In these premium services, the customer will have to pay some amount of money to avail of premium services offered by the app like discounts, free shipping, etc.

The grocery delivery app development services can be beneficial to users in the following ways:

  • Time-saving
  • Convenience
  • Money-saving
  • Easy payments

For store owners it can be useful for:

  • Suitability
  • Competitive Edge
  • Instant Gratification

Core Features For Grocery Delivery App Development

A grocery delivery app can include many features but you must keep good knowledge about the features that are most important for the success of your business. Some of the core features that can be considered for grocery delivery app development are:

  • Real-time Tracking: The app should offer the functionality to track the orders in real-time. This will allow the driver agents to track the customer’s location with an optimised route and customers will be able to track their orders as well.
  • God Eye View: This feature will enable the administrator to check which geographical area has the most orders and then he/she can add more driver agents for the location.
  • Multiple Payment Method: The app should incorporate standard payment gateways. This will allow customers to make payments in any method as per their convenience like online payments, net banking, plastic cards, cash on delivery, etc.
  • Promo Code/Referral: The app should offer discounts to customers in the form of promo codes or referrals. This will attract a huge audience and will increase sales. 
  • Booking/Scheduling: Customers should be able to schedule their deliveries at any time. They should be able to pre-book any orders. For example, a customer can pre-book/schedule his milk delivery for tomorrow morning.

Basic Steps Of Grocery Delivery App Development

The steps of development of a grocery delivery app like Grofers can differ from company to company based on the features and technologies they want to implement. The main steps of development that remain the same are:

  • Planning: The first step that you should consider is planning out the goals and expectations of your grocery delivery app development. You should make a detailed plan about it.
  • UI Design: The next step after planning is structuring the design of the UI. This is a very important step of the development process. The UI design is supposed to be highly attractive and user-friendly. 
  • Development: The company you choose should have a great team of developers who simultaneously start working on the code of the frontend and backend. The simultaneous working will ensure that the app is functioning properly. 
  • Testing: One of the essential phases of the development process is testing the app. The quality of the app is analyzed by a great team of quality analysts who inform the developers if there is any bug found in the app. 
  • Launch: After testing the app, the model should be shown to the customer. When the customer approves, the app should be launched in the marketplace. An efficient strategy is planned for the app to attract maximum customers and work efficiently in the market.

Grocery Delivery App Development Revenue Model

According to eMarketer, the demand for food and beverage is growing rapidly and it will grow as high as $38.16 billion in 2023. The basic ways to earn from your grocery delivery app are:

Delivery Fee

One of the most common methods of earning money is charging a delivery fee on every order. In this method, the prices of the items remain the same and usually, customers don’t even mind the delivery charges. The delivery fee can be calculated on the basis of the delivery location and size of the order.


In the aggregator model of grocery delivery app development, you are able to list all the available stores according to the geographical area. You can charge these stores a commission for every order that is successfully placed. You can also ask these stores for a membership fee as per relevance.

Subscription Fee

The app can offer premium services to users who prefer getting daily/weekly staples delivered. These might include milk, dairy, eggs, bread, etc. You can ask the consumers for a subscription fee for delivering them.


Placing advertisements on your platform is one of the most powerful ways to earn money from grocery delivery app development. You can enable other brands and stores to display their advertisements on their platform and you can earn money from that.


Online shopping has changed the perspective of purchasing anything these days. People are able to get anything they want to be delivered to their location. This method solves all the problems related to food and grocery shopping every month.

Getting started with grocery app development is a great idea business-wise as well. There is a lot of demand for such platforms. If you are interested in starting a business delivering any kind of products, you must consider consulting a mobile application development company for the same.

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