Food, Laundry, Grocery, Pharmacy
Home Services, Beauty, Appointments
Books, Apparel, Travel Services
Online Teaching, Yoga Instructor, Doctor
Space, Equipment, Furniture
Industry-leading offering with the most features suitable for running a full-fledged global marketplace.
Access Control, Marketing, SEO, Order Management, Analytics
Social Signups, Chat Support, Marketing Pushes, Real-Time Tracking
Themes, SEO, Chat Support, Promotions, Business Landing Pages
On the go Business, Analytics, Chat, Dispatch
Do you want your multi-vendor marketplace to have its own brand language and bespoke UI/UX? Don't worry, AppDukaan has a built-in "themes engine.
Creating an online marketplace, regardless of the type of company, is easier, quicker, and more tailored than ever before with our portfolio of tools!
Our solution is completely customizable with advanced features and is a professionally designed marketplace concept that best suits your business needs.
Store owners and managers may utilize merchant applications to update and manage inventory, fulfill orders, and more.
Build an online marketplace and take your on-demand business to the next level. Improve your client satisfaction scores by integrating platforms that you like.
Create single or multi-vendor solutions using advanced technologies and can take high volume orders.
While working on your marketplace app, we try to make its flow in a way that eases your business processes.
We provide certified development teams who are on their toes 24/7 to provide assistance and maintenance with full support.