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How to Develop UrbanClap Clone App | A Complete Step-wise Guide

1396 Views | 6 min | April 26, 2021
UrbanClap Clone App

What Do You Know About UrbanClap Apps?

Before we start with the Urbanclap app development process. Let us first know what are the other best app development ideas for 2021? And Urbanclap clone app development business is one of those best ideas. We will start by telling you a little about this app and then we will go through the development process. Let us start with, what is UrbanClap and what all services do they provide? First of all, UrbanClap is now known as Urban Company. This app offers services for home installation, maintenance, repair, beauty, and wellness. UrbanClap or Urban company came into existence in the year 2014 and in such a short span this has acquired a good marketplace. 

In the year 2020, it is reported that Urban company generated revenue of INR 216 crores. It is really growing exponentially. Home maintenance and repair services contributed 45% of the total revenue and beauty and wellness services contributed 55%.

Through the above-mentioned data, you can very well understand how much users love to use this urban company app. Because it is actually convenient and safe to use. So, if you also want to develop an app like an urban company then give it a chance. 

Let’s take you through an example, imagine yourself in a new city and suddenly your car broke down. What will you do in that strange situation and city? Well, to handle such emergency situations Urbanclap is there for the users. They offer the nearest on-demand service providers and make such difficult situations easy. Further, let us discuss this in the blog.

start your own UrbanClap clone app

How Does This UrbanClap Clone App Work?

In this part, we will see how this Urban company works. Once you have planned to start your own app like UrbanClap clone app, now you should know how the app is developed and “how app owners get the commission”. This all we will see in the points mentioned below. 

How does UrbanClap Clone works

  • App Development

When you want to start your own app, then this is the first thing that should hit you. “How to develop the app on the best budget.” Through this app development point, we want to draw your attention towards the best app development team.

 Hire the best technical stack for app development which includes testers, developers, and UX/UI designers. Developers will help in developing the app with the latest software, testers will later debug the app. So that your UrbanClap clone app functions smoothly. UI/UX designers will help you design the unique layout for your app which will attract more users and will give a different look to your app. So that your app has its own recognition in the market.

  • Service Provider on-Boarding

Now, when the app is ready, let the different service providers register themselves on the app. Different salons, repair, and maintenance companies can register themselves with the app. So that users can find the best service provider near them and get the service done on time. With registration what we mean to say here is that maintenance or repair companies and salons will list their services with charges. And depending upon users’ likes or needs they can choose which service provider fits them the best. Only the licensed companies will be allowed to enlist them on the app so that users select from the best and popular service provider.

  • Service Selection by Users

Now depending upon the user’s need they can choose the service they want. Users can search for the service and the app algorithm will direct them to the nearest service provider and they will contact the users immediately. Just like the on-demand cab booking app model works similarly here the nearest service provider is suggested to the user. Now users can decide whether they want to connect with the respective service provider or not. Also if the service provider which was suggested by the app is busy or cannot reach the user on time. then service providers can also pass the user’s request to the other nearest service provider. Users can also manually search for the service and can get the details of the service provider from the app. 

  • App-owner Gets the Commission

Once the user selects the service and the service provider goes to the user’s location and offers the service. Now users pay the fee to the service provider agent and then the app owner gets the fixed commission on every service. This is how this whole cycle works, from app development to how app owners get a commission for the service.

Features to Integrate in UrbanClap Clone App

Features are the main thing to consider for every app. If the features are not appealing then users might not show interest in your app. Select the features for your UrbanClap clone app wisely.  Here we have mentioned a few features which you can integrate into the UrbanClap clone app which are affordable.

Features to integrate in UrbanClap Clone app

User’s Login

When users visit your app then how they will connect themselves to the app? “User login” is the way through which users can be part of your UrbanClap clone app. “User’s login” is the platform where users enter their name, city, address, and other basic details. So that app can track those details and can suggest the best service provider near them. This is just like how we log in for an on-demand grocery delivery app or for any other app.  This is the first step for almost all the apps, so add this feature to your app to make it more user-friendly.

Service Selection 

Now, once the user logged in with the app, they are all set to avail the services of the app. They can go through all the services which are available on the app. And depending upon their requirement they can choose the service provider which is the best for them. Users can do this selection of the service provider manually or by in-built software of the app.


Digital payment mode is the new trend of this modern time. Provide users this flexibility so that they can pay through any of the modes at their convenience. If the user wants to pay through google pay or PayPal or wants to pay through credit or debit card. Give them all possible options for payments so that the user is always comfortable and your UrbanClap clone app attracts more users.

GPS Tracking

This is a very important feature to integrate into the urban company clone app because this will allow service provider agents and users to track each other’s location for the service. With this feature users can check the nearest service provider for their need and the service provider agent can track the user’s location so that they can reach them on time. This feature is helpful for everyone who is associated with the app, so this is a must to add-on while developing an UrbanClap clone app.

Review Section

This is for the user’s satisfaction so that they can very well know about the app’s services and different user’s reactions to the app. Review feature makes your UrbanClap clone app more user-friendly and trustworthy. When users can see the good reviews on your app then they would definitely like to use your app and more users will get connected with your app’s services.

Chat Bot

With this feature, users can send text messages through the app. You must have seen whenever we open any app or website there is a chatbot where visitors can ask any question or query. Similarly, the chatbot will help users to ask any query or if they face any problem while using the app. They can immediately send a text and will get solutions in no time. This feature again makes your app more user-friendly and keeps the user’s confusion and worries at bay.

Costing and Maintenance While Developing UrbanClap Clone App

Whether it is about Urbanclap clone app development or any other app. Costing of the app directly depends upon the features and designs of the app. Therefore if the design or features are complex then the app development cost will also be high but if the features are basic and simple then the cost will be low. 

cost to develop UrbanClap Clone app

Even after the app is developed, the money is further required for advertisement and promotion. It is equally important to invest a good amount in promotions and advertising your UrbanClap clone app. If you do not advertise your app enough then people won’t be able to know about it and your business idea will flop. There are many options when the app launch failed due to a lack of promotions. So always pre-decide a budget to advertise your app nicely. Later comes the maintenance cost, which is required to maintain the smooth functioning of the app for the future. If you want to make any changes or update to your UrbanClap clone app, then this all is covered under maintenance cost. If we talk about rough figures then it might cost you around $15000 – $30000 to develop the UrbanClap Clone app. 


Urbanclap clone app is really trending nowadays because such on-demand apps are really helpful. They provide nice services for daily needs like car maintenance, repairing, cleaning, personal care, etc. Though it is a little challenging in the beginning, gradually things get in line.  You just need to start with good developers and positivity so that you excel in your business. Covid 19 has really raised the demand for such on-demand apps and to know more about the development process reach us.

Contact the expert to develop app like UrbanClap

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