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List Of Popular Weather App | Develop A Weather App

456 Views | 4 min | November 18, 2021
weather app development

Weather is something that plays a very vital role in our day-to-day planning. Whether it is any usual day or you have to attend any big event, you cannot ignore climate at any cost. In fact, nowadays, people even plan their weddings according to the weather. And, due to global warming and other environmental factors, it is difficult to predict the right weather or climate. One needs a weather forecast mobile app, which can keep them updated with the latest weather report or climate change. Whether we are traveling to some other place or have to plan out things with friends and family we need good weather to spend some good time. It is very obvious that one cannot enjoy good times if the weather is not favorable. Therefore it is not wrong to say that there are users who are waiting for a good weather forecast app. And if you are planning to develop a weather forecast mobile app then you don’t have to worry about anything. You must go for this app development idea without a second thought with a good app development company. 

Further in this blog, we will discuss about other popular weather forecast mobile apps and what else you can do if it is your first mobile app development plan.

Whether A Weather App Development Idea Is A Worthy Investment?

Above we have discussed a little about why users might need weather forecast software or mobile app. The weather app is really very demanding nowadays, it is reported that the weather forecasting market is predicted to generate a revenue of 3.3 bn USD by 2025. There are other very important stats and facts you must know about weather app development

best features of weather app

The number mentioned above are clearly showing that weather apps do have a great future and there are many popular weather forecast mobile apps. Their popularity also shows that users do use and download weather apps and use them regularly. 

Best Of Weather Apps

As we were talking about popular weather mobile apps, so in this part, we are going to discuss about those apps and their features. If you do not have a proper plan for the app yet, then you can consider these weather forecast mobile apps and can opt for white label app development.  

popular weather app


Also, if you want to develop the app from scratch you can go for that too. In both situations, you just need to contact an experienced mobile app development company. One, who can understand your requirement, demands and can also deliver it on time. Now, let’s directly get to the popular weather mobile apps and know about their unique feature:

  • AccuWeather

Some of the best features offered by AccuWeather:

1. Provides hourly, daily, and weekly weather reports.

2. Tells users about air temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit (as per user’s choice).

3. Provide information on the wind speed, humidity, precipitation. It also gives sunset and sunrise time. Users can also know about upcoming storms and the intensity of solar radiation.

4. The in-built map allows users to keep a check on the weather of a particular region or country in real-time.

These are some of the features of AccuWeather. This mobile app is free to use but users have to pay if they don’t want to see unwanted ads. An additional benefit that AccuWeather offers is that it provides API for the developers so that they can develop the app without any problem. 

  • 1Weather

Again one of the best weather checking mobile apps. Best known for the following features:

1. Provide weather reports for the week. 

2. Give users real-time reports on weather conditions.

3. It is incorporated with amazing animations of sunset, sunrise, and different phases of the moon. 

4. Users can select up to 12 cities to keep a check on their air temperature, speed, the direction of the wind, precipitation, humidity. 

5. In-build map

6. This is again free for the users and they cost just $0.99 to get rid of advertisements. 

  • The Weather Channel

This is the most popular weather app in America and Western Europe. And offers features like:

1. Tells users the accurate weather forecast. (Hourly, two weeks)

2. Users get the real weather report and temperature. Can also get advanced information on ultra-violet radiation, wind speed, etc.

3. Compatibility with other devices too. (Smartwatches, cars, etc).

  • Weather Radar Forecast

Another smart and innovative mobile application is used for tracking the weather. It allows users to set the background of their mobile screen depending upon the weather outside their window. Some other user-friendly features are:

1. The user gets a variety of widgets that gives information on real-time situation taking place outside your place. (Images includes – city, calendar, etc)

2. The information like temperature and precipitation are displayed in the status bar so that users can see it anytime he wants. 

3. Notification in case of any sudden weather change and updates on upcoming storms and hurricanes.  

  • Yahoo! Weather

One of the best weather app in the list. This app downloads the images from Flickr and then automatically it analyzes weather outside and creates background matching the real-time situation. Let us see other features of the Yahoo! Weather:

1. Can show temperatures from 20 different cities simultaneously.

2. Users get complete information for the next day weather, and for the other 10 days too. (Information like – air temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, and ultraviolet intensity.)

3. Interactive map with warnings about bad weather. 

4. Innovative and amazing animation of sunset, sunrise and 

5. Compatible with iOS devices. 

  • Rane

This is the best mobile weather app for users who stick to basic information about climate change. Having usual functionalities like:

1. Weather forecast for the next 5 days with the temperature, humidity, precipitation, etc. 

2. Simple and usual UI designs.

3. No superfluous features, just simple animation.

  • CARROT Weather

This is a completely professional weather app, having a touch of humor and great animations. Irrespective of the outside situation, the app entertains users with sarcastic comments. This is sometimes too hard to digest, but again this is in trend and users do like such new things. 

The app is integrated with many amazing features like:

1. Time-travel ( this feature help user understand, what was the weather in the past.)

2. Users can get to know the weather at the moon or at fairylands. This really makes this weather app one of the different, yet interesting app.  


We have discussed about the top weather app above and what are the unique features these apps have. If you are also influenced by the success of the weather app mentioned above, then you must develop a weather app too. This is something really demanding and it is worth investing in weather app development. You can contact the app development company for better discussion on the same. 

develop a weather app

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